People are so much richer than a cluster of symptoms, and the same should be true for the figures who populate your stories.

In our consultations, I'll help you explore how a character's cultural context, identities, and intersecting lived experiences can organically shape their inner life and outward actions. Whether you're depicting mental health, mixed-race narratives, QTBIPOC journeys, or the complexities of multiracial relationships and communication, you'll gain insight into portraying emotional truth with nuance.

Drawing from decolonizing, liberationist psychological frameworks, my feedback grounds your writing in an ethos of collective healing over pathologizing. You'll receive guidance tailored to how you best process information as an author.

The result? Fully-realized characters who live and breathe beyond conventions, whose interiority feels ardently tethered to the richest dimensions of human experience. Bring unprecedented authenticity and soul to your storytelling.


I offer more than surface-level "sensitivity reads" - as a psychologist, I can deeply consult on capturing the nuanced psychological makeup of your characters.

Bright geometric pattern with orange triangles, symbolizing cultural richness and diversity, representing Dr. Viola Mejía's Oakland, CA office focused on PTSD therapy treatment.