Maybe you've felt jolts from clients' stories that stir up your own unresolved experiences. Or the shared cultural bonds make it hard to maintain necessary boundaries.

Whether you're a peer counselor, community health worker, support group facilitator or other grassroots nurturer, you need a sacred space to process these intensities. A grounding container to honor both your role's powerful insights and the personal terrains it can summon.

In these consultations, you'll find that restorative oasis. A place to untangle the intertwined threads, so you can continue showing up as your most centered, sustainable peer professional self. To integrate the charged personal resonances and build the right skills to thrive in your vital community work.

Bright geometric pattern with orange triangles, symbolizing cultural richness and diversity, representing Dr. Viola Mejía's Oakland, CA office focused on PTSD therapy treatment.

Peer Worker Coaching

Straddling the line between healer and kindred spirit in your community? Your role offers irreplaceable wisdom - but that closeness can spark unique challenges.